
NZOR Identifier: 51a7d69c-525b-4174-a08d-f83732d48293


Preferred Name (NZOR Concept Id 2cbd567b-b9f1-4f05-b85d-3e06431e12c2)





Geo Schema
Political Region
Geo Region
New Zealand
Environmental Context

Scientific Name

Governing Code
Is Recombination

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R.; Shaw, A.J. 2009: Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Goffinet, B.; Shaw, A.J. (ed.) Bryophyte Biology. Edition 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 55–138.
Has Parent
Dicranales (In use by NZOR)
Preferred Name
Ditrichaceae (In use by NZOR) }

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Fife, A.J. [2017]: Dicranaceae. In: Breitwieser, I.; Wilton, A.D. Flora of New Zealand – Mosses. Fascicle ??. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln.

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
NZFLORA (2012-) New Zealand Plant Names - Name based concepts

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Ceratodon Brid.
According To
Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R.; Shaw, A.J. 2009: Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Goffinet, B.; Shaw, A.J. (ed.) Bryophyte Biology. Edition 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 55–138.

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Cheilothela Broth.
According To
Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R.; Shaw, A.J. 2009: Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Goffinet, B.; Shaw, A.J. (ed.) Bryophyte Biology. Edition 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 55–138.

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Chrysoblastella R.S.Williams
According To
Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R.; Shaw, A.J. 2009: Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Goffinet, B.; Shaw, A.J. (ed.) Bryophyte Biology. Edition 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 55–138.

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Cynontodium Hedw.
According To
NZFLORA (2012-) New Zealand Plant Names - Name based concepts

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Distichium Bruch & Schimp.
According To
Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R.; Shaw, A.J. 2009: Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Goffinet, B.; Shaw, A.J. (ed.) Bryophyte Biology. Edition 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 55–138.

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Ditrichum Hampe
According To
Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R.; Shaw, A.J. 2009: Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Goffinet, B.; Shaw, A.J. (ed.) Bryophyte Biology. Edition 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 55–138.

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Eccremidium Wilson
According To
Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R.; Shaw, A.J. 2009: Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Goffinet, B.; Shaw, A.J. (ed.) Bryophyte Biology. Edition 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 55–138.

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Pleuridium Rabenh.
According To
Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R.; Shaw, A.J. 2009: Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Goffinet, B.; Shaw, A.J. (ed.) Bryophyte Biology. Edition 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 55–138.

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Pseudephemerum (Lindb.) I.Hagen
According To
Fife, A.J. [2017]: Dicranaceae. In: Breitwieser, I.; Wilton, A.D. Flora of New Zealand – Mosses. Fascicle ??. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln.

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Pseudephemerum (Lindb.) I.Hagen
According To
NZFLORA (2012-) New Zealand Plant Names - Name based concepts

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Rhamphidium MItt.
According To
Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R.; Shaw, A.J. 2009: Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Goffinet, B.; Shaw, A.J. (ed.) Bryophyte Biology. Edition 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 55–138.

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Saelania Lindb.
According To
Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R.; Shaw, A.J. 2009: Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Goffinet, B.; Shaw, A.J. (ed.) Bryophyte Biology. Edition 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 55–138.

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Trichodon Schimp.
According To
Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R.; Shaw, A.J. 2009: Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Goffinet, B.; Shaw, A.J. (ed.) Bryophyte Biology. Edition 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 55–138.

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Wilsoniella Müll.Hal.
According To
Goffinet, B.; Buck, W.R.; Shaw, A.J. 2009: Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Goffinet, B.; Shaw, A.J. (ed.) Bryophyte Biology. Edition 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 55–138.

Subordinate Taxon Concept

Full Name
Wilsoniella Müll.Hal.
According To
Fife, A.J. [2017]: Dicranaceae. In: Breitwieser, I.; Wilton, A.D. Flora of New Zealand – Mosses. Fascicle ??. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln.

No vernacular applications

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